Ramiro Flores Cruz
Ramiro is a Parstats partner. He is a survey methodologist with twenty years of experience and has delivered consulting services and training to international agencies, national statistics offices, universities and private organizations.
Ramiro is a work on national surveys has spanned the subjects of living standards, labor force, health, migration and household budgets in over 30 countries in the Americas, Asia, the Middle East and the South Pacific region. These projects typically have included the study design, sampling, field implementation, quality assurance and data analysis.
He was a research scholar at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Argentina and holds a BA in Sociology, an MA in Demography and graduate studies in Sampling and Applied Statistics at the University of Michigan. He currently delivers a workshop on Survey Quality Control at the Survey Research Center at the University of Michigan.
He lives in Buenos Aires with his wife and two sons, and is fluent in English, French and Spanish, and speaks some German and Portuguese.
Tonga High-Freqency Phone Surveys. World Bank (2022)
Afghanistan Welfare Monitoring Survey. World Bank (2022)
Malaysia. Comparative Study of Livelihood of Refugees and Host Communities (2022)
Colombia Vulnerable Population Targeting Survey (2022)
COVID-19 High-Frequency Phone Survey (Phase 2). 23 countries (2021)
Pacific Labor Mobility Survey. Australia, New Zealand & Pacific Islands (2021)
Suriname Survey of Living Conditions II – SSLC (2022)
Vanuatu High-Frequency Phone Survey (2022)
Solomon Islands High-Frequency Phone Survey (2022)
Impact Evaluation amid the COVID-19 pandemic in Bolivia (2021)
Honduras Survey of Childcare Demand (2021)
Workshop for Designing and Implementing Phone Surveys. Statistical Offices (2020)
COVID-19 High-Frequency Phone Survey (Phase 1). 13 countries (2020)
Suriname COVID-19 Survey (2020)
Barbados COVID-19 Survey (2020)
Lebanon Vulnerability Assessment Panel Survey (2020)
Bangladesh Continuous Labor Force Survey (2020)
Honduras Phone-based Labor Force Survey (2020)
Bolivia. Impact Evaluation Survey of the Agricultural Development Program Accesos (2020)
Bangladesh Household Income and Expenditure Survey (2020)
Jamaica. Evaluation of the Sample Design of the Jamaica Survey of Living Conditions (2020)
Nepal Living Standards Survey IV (2019)
The Bahamas. Evaluation of the Methodology of the Labor Force Survey (2019)
Peru. Impact Evaluation Survey of the Agricultural Development Program PSSA. (2019)
China. Survey on E-commerce in Rural China (2018)
Jamaica Survey on Entrepreneurial Skills – Impact Evaluation (2018)
Suriname Women’s Health Survey (2018)
Guyana Labor Force Survey – GLFS (2018)
Suriname Survey of Living Conditions – SSLC (2017)
Sri Lanka Household Income and Expenditure Survey (2016)
Barbados Survey of Living Conditions – BSLC (2016)
Workshop on Impact Evaluation of Business Development Programs (2014)
Methodological Evaluation of the Barbados Continuous Labor Force Sample Survey (2018)
Bangladesh Labor Force Survey (2015)
USA, Berkeley. International Workshop on Impact Evaluation (2014)
Chile. International Workshop on Surveys and Impact Evaluation (2013)