
Teresa Reinaga


Teresa is a statistician and public administration specialist with over twenty years of experience in the design and processing of large-scale surveys. She has particular expertise in the field of social policy monitoring, notably in the areas of education and poverty reduction.

Teresa was involved for many years in a public administration program to support the decentralization of local government in Bolivia, for which she was the technical adviser on territorial and sectoral planning and on impact evaluation. Within the same program, she worked previously on the wide-reaching components of gender equality, social equality and public administration.

Teresa has participated in Living Standard Measurement Surveys in many countries, mainly in Africa and Latin America, contributing not only to their design and operations, but also to the training and mentoring of staff within the participating statistical institutes.

She has also provided expertise for feasibility studies, public opinion surveys, impact evaluations, and studies of poverty and educational attainment

She lives in La Paz and speaks Spanish, French and English.



COVID-19 High-Frequency Phone Survey (Phase 2). 23 countries (2021)
Honduras Survey of Childcare Demand (2021)
Impact Evaluation amid the COVID-19 pandemic in Bolivia (2021)
Workshop for Designing and Implementing Phone Surveys. Statistical Offices (2020)
COVID-19 High-Frequency Phone Survey (Phase 1). 13 countries (2020)
Venezuelan Migrants in Ecuador (2019)
Bolivia. Impact Evaluation Survey of the Agricultural Development Program Accesos (2020)
Bolivia. Encuesta Sistema de Agua y Saneamiento Rural (2018)
Estudio sobre Mortalidad Materna en Adolescentes en Bolivia (2018)
Encuesta de Seguimiento a la Encuesta de Nutrición en El Alto, Consejo de Salud Rural Andino (2016)
Encuesta de línea de base del estudio de impacto Sistemas Pico voltaicos, Ministerio de Energía de Bolivia (2015)

Bolivia. Encuesta de línea de base del Programa Crecer Bien para vivir Bien (2015)
Taller Internacional “Encuestas y Evaluación de Impacto de Políticas Públicas (EEiPP)” (2012-2014)
Bolivia. Líneas de Base de Evaluaciones de Agua y Saneamiento en Áreas Rurales (2013)
Bolivia. Encuesta de evaluación de impacto del Bono Juana Azurduy & Desnutrición Cero (2012)
Bolivia. Encuestas para la Evaluación de Impacto de Proyecto Peri-urbano de Nutrición Infantil (2011)